Study the levels of cytokines (IL-12 , IFN-γ) and human Proflin-1 (PFN-1)

Study the levels of cytokines (IL-12 , IFN-γ) and human Proflin-1 (PFN-1) in the sera of aborted women and healthy women (non pregnant and pregnant women)

  • Hadeel Shaker Hadi Al-Qadisiyah University
  • Raad A. Kadhim
  • Raheem T. O. Al-Mammori
Keywords: Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, cytokines (IL-12 , IFN-γ) and human proflin-1 (PFN-1)



      Toxoplasma gondii an intracellular parasite infected large proportion of the world population, but mostly without visible clinical signs in immunocompetent patients. The present study was performed to determined the levels of cytokines (IL-12 , IFN-γ) and human proflin-1 (PFN-1) in the sera of 125 aborted women as case group and 30 healthy women (15 non pregnant and 15 pregnant women) as control groups in Women's and children Hospital in Al-Qadisiyah province from December / 2015 till March / 2016, Five ml of venous blood sample was obtained from each woman under sterile condition. Serum samples were positive for antibodies specific toxoplasmosis IgG and IgM. It was estimated levels of cytokines and profilin1 in these serums and significant increasing showed up in concentration interleukin 12 (IL-12) and profilin-1(PFN-1) and low in the concentration of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) at probability (0.05) in compare with control group that ensure their role in immune response against the parasite.

Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, cytokines (IL-12 , IFN-γ) and human proflin-1 (PFN-1)



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How to Cite
Hadi, H. S., Raad A. Kadhim, & Raheem T. O. Al-Mammori. (2021). Study the levels of cytokines (IL-12 , IFN-γ) and human Proflin-1 (PFN-1). Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 26(4), 146–155.
Special Issue (Silver Jubilee)