Study of some immunological effects of methotrexate in people with rheumatoid arthritis

  • Faten kareem
  • Wijdan Thamer


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of rheumatoid arthritis on some immunological criteria in women with
rheumatoid arthritis at M
arjan Specialist Hospital in Babil governate for the period from 20/10/2018 until 20/4/2019, when 90 samples of women aged
between 25 to 55 years old into three groups: the first (30) women with rheumatoid arthritis Calming treatments. And the second
(30) of women with rheumatoid arthritis who received methotrexate treatment. The third sample (30) included a sample of nonRA patients representing control.
5 mL of venous blood was withdrawn and placed in a test tube and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the serum and perform
immunological tests (Inter Lockin 4, Inter Lockin 6)
Results showed a significant increase of P <0.0.5 in the level of interleukin (4.6) in infected women compared to the control
We conclude from the study that the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis had a significant effect on the level of interleukins (6.4) in
women, and was the highest difference in the group of women who use analgesics as a treatment.
The study showed that MTX had a significant effect in reducing measured parameter levels compared to control group


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How to Cite
kareem, F., & Thamer, W. (2019). Study of some immunological effects of methotrexate in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 24(2).