Study the effect of positively charged natural ions on analytical figures of Merits of fluorometric analysis of Naphthalene and Anthracene in aqueous solution

  • Bassam F. ALfarhani
  • Hassan A.A. Al – Rubaie



The effect of natural ions on the fluorescence signal of different PAHs has been studied. the analytical figures of merits have been measured without presence of natural ions, the values of maximum excitation and emission values were determined and the values of LOD and LOQ also measured. The Values of LOD and LOQ were in ppt levels. The second part of the work was determine the analytical figures of merits in the presence of natural ions (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium). And the values of LOD and LOQ were measured and a quenching in the fluorescence signal was spotted. Thereby, in the analysis of PAHs in drinking water that include natural ions, have to take in consideration that a higher value of LOD and LOQ will be seen.


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How to Cite
F. ALfarhani, B., & A.A. Al – Rubaie, H. (2019). Study the effect of positively charged natural ions on analytical figures of Merits of fluorometric analysis of Naphthalene and Anthracene in aqueous solution. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 24(3).